A post on the Chinese social media platform Weibo attracted attention last Thursday (April 22), revealing what appears to be the architecture of the rumored new iPhone 13 pro and iPhone mini. The unit, which has already been the subject of other rumors and leaks, is depicted in a picture of a potential rear prototype. […]
FLoC: WordPress promises to block Google’s ‘new cookies’
The creation and maintenance platform sites WordPress joined the fray against the new advertising system Google that replaces the famous cookies and increases user navigation trace. In a post on the service’s official blog, WordPress announced that it will treat the Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) as a security threat, preventing the feature from being used within […]
Twitter now allows 4K photo publishing on Android and iOS
Twitter has finally updated its imaging system and now allows Android and iOS users to post 4K resolution images on the social network. The novelty is already being released globally and just needs a configuration in the app to start working. The user can enable the upload and view of images in resolutions up to […]
WordPress Biratnagar Meetup April – SEO for Beginners
This time WordPress Biratnagar came up with new series of topics i.e. SEO for Beginners. With this topic, the team ensures to come up with the best tactics followed by experts in different industries to the community of Biratnagar. Details WordPress Meetup April 2021. In this meetup, You’ll learn: – What is SEO? – How […]
‘iMac’ the new pinnacle of technology: Everything that launched at Apple Event 2021
Apple has just completed its first 2021 release event with a lot of buzzes. The lunch event delivered iMac with the new pinnacle of technology just like old times with color flavors. The company brought the latest and greatest products and services, and none of them was just a simple upgrade from the previous generation. […]